Thursday, January 17, 2008

Das Schwert

A topic that I hope we cover further as it is extremely important at this time period and will continue to be well into the 18th and even 19th centuries is the idea of honor that we find in “das Rittertum”. The knights hold to a code of conduct, which includes but is not limited to: modesty, bravery, reverence of women, piety, and generosity to the poor. Their essential function being to defend the tribes to which they belonged and leaders to which they owed homage. Eventually with the formation of the Roman empire this will transfer to a defense or service of the empire. What fascinates me most, as a fencer, about this is the development of the concepts of chivalry and honor that lead to dueling, and the necessity to protect ones honor from disgraceful insults. These remain important to many Europeans well after the sword loses its place in combat. The preservation of honor and the sword remain a part of high society for centuries.

Chris Demes

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