Friday, February 22, 2008

The Impact of the Reformation Today

I find it very interesting how much of an impact the Reformation has on today's world. It's repercussions, both positive and negative, are still felt today... It has provided belief options to Christian believers and has caused arguments between denominations. 

Martin Luther's Reformation paved the road for the birth many different protestant denominations. Today denominations based on Calvanist and Weslyan (just to name two of the most common) principles can be found all over the world. Without Luther setting the fire, it is possible that these different churches never would exist. Walking through the middle of a typical American town, one can often find a Catholic Church, a Lutheran Church, and many other churches such as Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, Apostolic... The list goes on. If the Reformation never happened... would these denominations exist? Perhaps they would come around eventually, but we can never know.

Today there are still struggles between the Protestant and Catholic churches all over the world. Both sides persecute the other. Ireland is a prime example of struggles between both Christian churches. 

The Reformation has shaped the way the Christians practice their faith. Discrepancies in the way one views the Bible can be remedied through finding the right denomination that fits one's beliefs. And that may have never happened without Martin Luther.

-Colby Crocker

1 comment:

Brikena Ribaj said...

I completely agree with your argument that without Martin Luther the denominations of Christianity would be very different. However, I believe that a change would have occured regardless of Luther's influence. With so many changes in society due to new inventions, tensions would have continued to rise between the church and its congregation. With the invention of the printing press, common people were then able to access information, specifically the bible, which had since only been given to them through the clergy. People were able to form their own opinions and even without Luther's guidance a large conflict would have ensued.

-Kristen Smith